The first word of our name, "Milia", derives from the word "familia", which of course means family and sounds almost the same in all three languages of our heritage: Greek, Italian and Portuguese. No matter the origin, this value remains of the utmost importance. Honouring this long line of cultural heritage, both in distance and in history, "Milia" also stands for the Greek translation of "miles", which represents the distance between our countries of origin: Greece, Italy, Brazil & Portugal.
The second word of our name, "Riza" stands for those exact roots. A root will always symbolize a new beginning, a new life, something new.
The whole name stands for the combination of the above.
Our long heritage, our long roots and our belief in bringing a new kind of life to classic wine regions and grape varieties.​

Born in Athens and grown up in Nemea, wine has been always in her blood and the countless hours spent listening to her grandfather, Thanasis Papaioannou, talking about vine & wine and all the aspects related to it, lit up a real passion for this world.
Nancy graduated in Enology & Beverage Technology in Athens and completed her studies with the Vinifera Euromaster which took her to Montpellier & Bordeaux, in France and then Udine, in Italy. The years spent abroad together with the accumulated experience created a great desire for this new adventure.

Born in Lisbon, the passion for wine came late, but once this world had been discovered, he knew that he would never abandon it.
Graduated in Agronomy in Portugal, Stefano's Italian back-bone led him first to Conegliano and then to Udine, in Italy, where he completed the Master in Enology, Viticulture & Wine Marketing. After years of working as an assistant, but also head enologist for highly-reputable wineries in Portugal, Stefano, together with Nancy, decided to make a step forward and start their own challenging wine project.